At the end of 2020, a project called “Capacity building of key stakeholders in the area of geothermal energy” began. The Project is financed from the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism under the “Environment, Energy and Climate Change” for Poland for 2014 – 2021. It is one of three pre-defined projects in Poland, agreed between the parties on the stage of the Programme negotiations. The Ministry of Climate and Environment and the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management are the Programme Operators.
The Project’s objective is to build the knowledge of key stakeholders in Poland regarding the optimal use of geothermal energy and management of its resources, especially for the needs of low-emission heating.
The Project will contribute to the development of geothermal energy use in Poland by supporting other activities in the area, including the projects implemented recently under governmental programmes.
The Project stakeholders include representatives of different administration levels, local governments, operators of existing and investors of intended geothermal heating plants, beneficiaries of government support programmes, geological administration bodies, research organisations, service providers, consultants, and other entities in the geothermal sector.
The Project’s main activities include training on geothermal energy in Poland, knowledge and experience exchange, study visits to selected heating facilities in Iceland, expert study visits to some Polish locations prospective for the use of geothermal energy, reports on the visits, disseminating information and communication on the Project and EEA FM.
The formal event opening the Project is scheduled for February 2021 (online).
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Project co-financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism for 2014-2021, “Environment, Energy and Climate Change” Program, “Energy” Program Area, Poland.
Program operators: Ministry of Climate and Environment, NFOŚiGW